Receive a Speeding Ticket in Toronto?


Speeding tickets are one of the most common tickets you can receive and many people do. Drivers throughout Toronto may find themselves in a pickle when they miss a speed limit sign or their vehicle’s speedometer is not calculated correctly. Even though speeding is common and tickets are issued all of the time, it is not a good idea to start a collection. Remember, it only takes three strikes and you are out!

If you have been pulled over and are receiving a ticket for speeding in Toronto, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. First, always be polite to the officer who is issuing you the ticket. Arguing, yelling, and fighting back can cause more problems and open a can of worms for you. Even if you know you were not speeding, take a deep breath, and hold your tongue.
    You may see this officer again in the courtroom and the last thing you want is him or her to remember you being disrespectful.\
  2. Never admit to speeding. Whether or not you were, is not up for debate at this point and you will have your chance to argue your innocence.\
  3. Always sign the ticket. Many people think that they are admitting fault when they sign the ticket, but you are not – you are simply signing that you understand why you are receiving the ticket.

Always follow these rules during a traffic stop and once you have the ticket in hand, call your local Toronto speeding lawyers to help you. We are ready to start working on your case!

HOW Traffic Ticket Lawyer Toronto IS GOING TO HELP YOU

Traffic Ticket Lawyer Toronto is your source for fighting back against your speeding ticket in Toronto. We understand that things happen, but you should not have to suffer the severe consequences because of a small misstep.

When we go to bat for you, we work hard to get the ticket thrown out, which means no demerit points on your license. It is our goal to keep you out of traffic school and keep you out of court, when we can. If you do end up having a court date, we will represent you from start to finish.
Give us a call today to start discussing the process!


The team at Traffic Ticket Lawyer Toronto can help you with more than just a speeding ticket. We are knowledgeable and experienced in all areas of moving and non-moving violations including seatbelt infractions and even careless driving infractions.

Don’t wait any longer and let us help you start the fight today!

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